Stacy Lowers

Diagnostic Clinic Coordinator


Stacy Lowers received her B.A. in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences from Rice University. During her time at Rice, she had the opportunity to work with a child with neurological differences, sparking an intense curiosity about techniques for assessing and treating challenging symptoms in children. After graduation, she joined The Center for Human Development Research at the University of Texas Medical School–Houston, where she served as Senior Research Assistant and Autism Project Coordinator to Katherine A. Loveland, Ph.D. In 2007, Stacy joined the faculty of The Monarch School as the first Diagnostic Clinic Coordinator and psychometrician for the Monarch Diagnostic Clinic.

Stacy’s career has focused on children, adolescents and young adults with developmental and neurological differences, with particular emphasis on psychological assessment of individuals with autistic spectrum disorders. She is excited to be a part of the Monarch Diagnostic Clinic team, through which she is able to pursue her passion for helping families of children with neurological differences.