Susan Saied

Chrysalis & Bridge Program Director


Susan is a native Houstonian and has served children for over 30 years. She graduated from the University of Texas in Austin with a bachelor’s degree in Education. She also has a master’s degree in Administration from the University of Houston. She recently retired from serving 28 years in public education with the majority in Spring Branch ISD.

Susan started her career teaching fifth grade, then third grade and second grade. She served as team leader for her grade level and served in many leadership positions. Susan's strong belief that all children can learn drove her to became a campus math instructional coach and then a district elementary math coordinator. She supported teacher growth believing that the more confident a teacher believed in their instructional practices, the more successful that teacher’s students would be. Susan collaborated with educators, principals, and other school and district administrators as she led the process of curriculum evaluation, design, and development for elementary math. The development process included content development based on state standards and desired learning outcomes, vertical alignment, development of aligned assessments and consideration of methods and strategies to reach all learners.

Susan serves as the Director of the Chrysalis program. She supports the professional educators in their growth, and intentional plans to provide varied and meaningful experiences to meet every child's needs and facilitates communication between home and school. In her spare time, Susan spends time with her family, watches HGTV, loves traveling around Texas, and enjoys each day as a blessing.

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