Shannon McKee

Director of Clinic Services and Training

Shannon McKee has her PhD in school psychology and has been a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) and Nationally Certified School Psychologist for 15 years. After working as an LSSP in public schools and serving on the autism assessment team, Shannon’s passion for learning and serving children and families affected by ASD led her to pursue her doctorate at the University of Houston.

During her doctoral training, she specialized in autism spectrum disorders, both in her research and in her clinical practice. She has worked in various public-school districts as well as private clinics, community mental health, several children's hospitals, and primary care clinics. Throughout these experiences, Shannon has served in a variety of roles, including working with children, parents, teachers, physicians, therapists, and other service providers. Her experiences span from working with children with complex medical needs, supervising a team at a university-based clinic, providing parent management training, evaluations of children with autism and/or other concerns, feeding therapy, and many roles within public schools.

Shannon has authored and co-authored several book chapters and peer-reviewed empirical studies. Her dissertation focused on positive and protective factors in families of children with ASD, and she has presented at numerous international, national, state, and local conferences. She has taught various college courses and supervised the training of both undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of education, psychology, and school psychology.

Shannon’s philosophy for working with children and families is strongly rooted in the biopsychosocial and ecological systems models. As working in collaborative teams is an essential component to meeting the individualized needs of learners and their families, Shannon is eager to serve on The Monarch School and Institute team!